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Título : How to maximize listening input without sacrificing
metadata.dc.creator: Illanez, Paola Daniela
Palabras clave : Comprehensible input
Listening skills
Listening strategies
metadata.dc.date: 2020-11
Editorial : Universidad FASTA. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
Descripción : nput refers to all the information, samples of the language, and the context the learner is exposed to (either written or spoken). When trying to learn an L2 input is a key factor, as it is essential for acquisition to take place. However, for learning to occur input must be comprehensible. There are different types of input, like modified and unmodified, and different means of receiving that input. In the L2 classroom, this input can be transmitted through receptive skills, one of these is listening. Listening is related to attention. The importance of developing listening comprehension skills focuses on the fact that if the listener pays attention, the message he hears can be decoded and comprehended, and eventually, the acquisition will take place. This work aims to present an action plan in the format of a didactic sequence in which different strategies and procedures are to be presented to maximize the listening input to promote comprehension. The proposal presented in this project pretends to be a source of analysis and study, in which some data are re-signified, others are discovered or are related in different ways to each other, being a fundamental purpose to guide towards a path of the contribution of our career and profession as a teacher.
Fil: Illanez, Paola Daniela. Universidad FASTA. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación.
URI : http://redi.ufasta.edu.ar:8082/jspui/handle/123456789/1069
Aparece en las colecciones: Trabajos Finales de Graduación de Licenciatura en Inglés

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