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Título : Democratizing education : is education for all possible?
metadata.dc.creator: Mendoza, Silvia Lorena
Autor : Insaurralde, Andrea
Palabras clave : Educación especial
Special need education
Educación integradora
Inclusive education
Enseñanza de idiomas
Language instruction
Exclusion social
Social exclusion
metadata.dc.date: 2015
Editorial : Universidad FASTA. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
Descripción : The work presented here will show that democratizing education is possible. Inclusion is here to stay and this great step forward in Education will guarantee that every child receive the education that will make him/her independent and self-sufficient. Teaching disabled students is a crucial part of providing equal quality education. This requires careful, caring, respectful, thoughtful teaching and with this in mind, integrating students with special needs into the everyday classroom will present multiple but not unsurmountable challenges. Every teacher and especially those teaching L2 must be prepared to meet the challenge of teaching a student with special needs and not only does this require special preparation and study but also a certain attitude and predisposition. A special needs student is like every other student in that he/she is part of the diversity that we must address in the New Classroom. Above all, education should reflect the best of the human condition and as such it should enhance and strengthen the teachers’ role. In Paulo Freire’s view (2012:102), educators’ success is based on true dedication and commitment and a belief that every child is unique and that it is an immorality to accept or ignore marginalization.
Fil: Mendoza, Silvia Lorena. Universidad FASTA. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Insaurralde, Andrea. Universidad FASTA. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
URI : http://redi.ufasta.edu.ar:8082/jspui/handle/123456789/1574
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